Recommended Reading

Journal Articles

Theory of Mind

  • Mikhail, J. (2007). Universal moral grammar: theory, evidence, and the future. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11(4), 143-152.
  • Onishi, K. H., & Baillargeon, R. (2005). Do 15-month-old infants understand false beliefs? Science, 308(5719), 255-258.
  • Samson, D., Apperly, I. A., Chiavarino, C., & Humphreys, G. W. (2004). The left tempero-parietal junction is necessary for representing someone else’s belief. Nature Neuroscience, 7, 449-500.
  • Wellman, H. M., Cross, D., & Watson, J. (2001). Meta-analysis of theory-of-mind development: the truth about false belief. Child Development, 72, 655-684.
  • Bloom, P., & German, T. P. (2000). Two reasons to abandon the false belief task as a test of theory of mind. Cognition, 77(1), B25-31.
  • Roth, D., & Leslie, A. M. (1998). Solving belief problems: toward a task analysis. Cognition, 66(1), 1-31.
  • Gopnik, A., & Wellman, H. M. (1992). Why the child’s theory of mind really is a theory. Mind and Language, 7(1-2), 145-171.
  • Leslie, A. M., & Thaiss, L. (1992). Domain specificity in conceptual development: neuropsychological evidence from autism. Cognition, 43(3), 225-251.

fMRI Analysis and Argument

  • Poldrack, R. A., Fletcher, P. C., Henson, R. N., Worsley, K. J., Brett, M., & Nichols, T. E. (2008). Guidelines for reporting an fMRI study. NeuroImage, 40(2), 409-414.
  • Polk, T. A., Joonkoo, P., Smith, M. R., & Park, D. C. (2007). Nature versus nurture in ventral visual cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of twins. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(51), 13921-13925.
  • Amaro, E., & Barker, G. (2006). Study design in fMRI: basic principles. Brain and Cognition, 60(3), 220-232.
  • Norman, K. A., Polyn, S. M., Detre, G. J., & Haxby, J. V. (2006). Beyond mind-reading: multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10(9), 424-430.
  • Poldrack, R. A. (2006). Can cognitive processes be inferred from neuroimaging data? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10(2), 59-63.
  • Tsao, D. Y., Freiwald, W. A., Tootell, R. B. H., & Livingstone, M. S. (2006). A cortical region consisting entirely of face-selective cells. Science, 311(5761), 670-674.
  • Saxe, R., Brett, M., & Kanwisher, N. (2006). Divide and conquer: a defense of functional localizers. NeuroImage, 30(4), 1088-1096.
  • Juch, H., Zimine, I., Seghier, M. L., Lazeyras, F., & Fasel, J. H. (2005). Anatomical variability of the lateral frontal lobe surface: implication for intersubject variability in language neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 17(1), 184-200.
  • Schwarzlose, R. F., Baker, C. I., & Kanwisher, N. (2005). Separate face and body selectivity on the fusiform gyrus. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(47), 11055-11059.
  • Wohlschlager, A. M., Specht, K., Lie, C., Mohlberg, H., Wohlschlager, A., Bente, K., et al. (2005). Linking retinotopic fMRI mapping and anatomical probability maps of human occipital areas V1 and V2. NeuroImage, 26(1), 73-82.
  • Kourtzi, Z., & Kanwisher, N. (2001). Representation of perceived object shape by the human lateral occipital complex. Science, 293(5534), 1506-1509.
  • Kanwisher, N. (2000). Domain specificity in face perception. Nature Neuroscience, 3(8), 759-763.
  • Wagner, A. D., Schacter, D. L., Rotte, M., Koutstaal, W., Maril, A., Dale, A. M., et al. (1998). Building memories: remembering and forgetting of verbal experiences as predicted by brain activity. Science, 281(5380), 1188-1191.


  • Cohen, J. (1994). The earth is round (p<.05). American Psychologist, 49(12), 997-1003.
  • Bem, D. J. (1987). Writing the empirical journal article.



Cognitive Science and Cognitive Development

  • Bloom, P. (2000). How children learn the meanings of words. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Harris, P. L. (2000). The work of the imagination. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Meltzoff, A., & Gopnik, A. M. (1996). Words, thoughts, and theories. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Bartsch, K., & Wellman, H. M. (1995). Children talk about the mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Perner, J. (1993). Understanding the representational mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Carey, S. (1985). Conceptual change in childhood. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Landau, B., & Gleitman, L. R. (1985). Language and experience: Evidence from the blind child. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Social Psychology

  • Malle, B. F. (2004). How the mind explains behaviour. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Brown, R. (2003). Social psychology: The second edition. Free Press.

Computational Modeling

  • Fagin, R., Halpern, J. Y., & Moses Y. (2003). Reasoning about knowledge. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


  • Nichols, S., & Stich, S. P. (2003). Mindreading. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Fodor, J. A. (1983). Modularity of mind: An essay on faculty psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.