Maria Garcia-Garcia

Maria Garcia-Garcia

Hi! I am graduating in course 9 this May and this is my 2nd time working in the Saxe Lab. This semester I am working with Dr. Halie Olson on her Language in Toddlers [LIT for short!] research. I previously worked with Dr. Ashley Thomas on her Social relationships in...
Caroline L. Ibáñez Moran

Caroline L. Ibáñez Moran

Hi, my name is Caroline and I am from Maygüez, PR. I currently work with Gal Raz in infant attention studies. I love getting the chance to bake and doing all sort of crafts when I have the time. I have also made it my personal mission to find all the best bakeries in...
Inori Kawauchiya

Inori Kawauchiya

Hi! I’m an undergraduate student in MIT’s Brain and Cognitive Sciences department interested in learning more about child development and cognition. I love collecting plants and dancing in my free time!

Kayla Zlotnick

Kayla Zlotnick is an undergraduate at MIT (’25) studying Computer Science and Brain and Cognitive Science. She is curious about how infants gain basic cognitive skills and excited to better understand the different roles that maturation and experience play in...