Rebecca Saxe

Rebecca Saxe

C.V. MIT Brain and Cognitive Sciences MIT McGovern Institute Google Scholar Twitter Wikipedia Mentorship Philosophy Rebecca Saxe studies human social cognition, using a combination of behavioral testing and brain imaging technologies. She is best known for her...
Hannah Hok Kim

Hannah Hok Kim

I’m interested in how children think and learn about the social world. In particular, I like to think about groups and group decision-making, with a focus on procedures & rules to coordinate action. I also work with the Center for Research on Equitable and...
Amrita Lamba

Amrita Lamba

I study how people adaptively make inferences and decisions in our highly complex and uncertain social world. Using a computational psychiatry approach, my research also examines how these social learning mechanisms diverge in people with anxiety and depression who...
Young-eun Lee

Young-eun Lee

My research examines the development of punishment against selfish behaviors. I am particularly interested in children’s reasoning and motives underlying third-party punishment.
Haoyu Du

Haoyu Du

I am interested in how our minds build up our representation of the world visually and intuitively.