Shruti Ravikumar

Shruti Ravikumar

I’m an undergraduate at MIT (Class of '23) studying Computation and Cognition. I’m interested in how infants understand social relationships and deception and how this understanding evolves over time.
Melyssa Almeida

Melyssa Almeida

I’m an undergraduate at Harvard ('24) studying neuroscience. I am interested in the human infant mind and brain. Generally, I’m curious about what capacities are present during early infancy and how these capacities change and improve throughout...
Christian Rich

Christian Rich

I am a Class of '24 undergrad at MIT. I am majoring in Course 9 (Brain and Cognitive Sciences) and hope to go to medical school. I have been fascinated with the brain ever since I got to hold one in the third grade. I play on the Men’s Basketball team and my...
Kirsten Lydic

Kirsten Lydic

I am interested in the neural, psychological, interpersonal, and institutional dynamics of behavior and attitude change, from small-scale changes like an individual's eating habits to big-scale societal changes in ideology. How are changes like these reflected in...
Eric Martínez

Eric Martínez

I study the cognitive foundations of the law. That is: how do lawyers and non-lawyers create, understand and interpret law, and what are the implications of these findings for broader questions of cognitive science, legal doctrine and policy? You can find a list of...